Stan Loomis weighs in on the controversial debate about sailboats and powerboats.
Stan Loomis and his wife have many hobbies, including motorcycling, traveling, and boating.
In fact, they are able to charter their yacht to many of their favorite travel destinations. With years of experience, Stan Loomis is a skilled captain and provides his blog followers with frequent tips about chartering a yacht.
When it comes to choosing between a sailboat or speedboat Stan encourages all to consider the pros and cons of each, especially when it comes to the environmental impact.
According to the article, Sailboat or Powerboat, sailing and operating a speedboat are vastly different experiences, both of which have their own appeals and drawbacks.
Although learning to sail can be intimidating at first, getting caught up by big gusts can be prevented with a little practice. Traditional sailboats can reach speeds of only eight miles per hour, which adds to the appeal for many sailors. Chartering a sailboat is more about the experience rather than reaching a destination. Though nautical talk can be overwhelming, Stan Loomis believes the process is what makes it so rewarding. Learn more about Stan Loomis and his interests on expertfile.
Perhaps the biggest draw to powerboats over sailboats is time and speed.
You can quickly and easily navigate to various locations without worrying about becoming stranded due to lack of wind. For many families with kids, it is often all about the destination and getting there as quickly as possible. It is also much safer, as sailboats run the risk of capsizing in powerful winds. Downsides, however, include major fuel costs and poor environmental impact from the engines.
While there is no perfect craft to satisfy everyone’s wants and desires, sailing holds a certain edge when it comes to remaining in tune with the environment and being powered by natural elements. Stan Loomis encourages potential boat buyers to first consider what they want from the experience and then test each option for themselves!
Visit http://stanloomis.weebly.com to learn more about Stan Loomis and his various hobbies.